GitHub now supports over 70 million developers.
Here are the five repositories that you should not miss:
1.Clean code Javascript:
This repository takes the concepts of clean code by Mr. Robert C. Martin and adapts them for JavaScript so you can use them in future work.
2.Tech Interview Handbook
Anyone who wants to work in technology but has no experience with technical interviews can use this repository.
Link to the repository
3.You-Don't Know-JS
This repository contains a collection of books that take a deep dive into JavaScript language fundamentals.
Link to the repository
4.JavaScript Algorithms.
It contains javascript-based examples of many popular concepts and data structures.
Link to the repository
5.Free-for dev
This repository contains the list of software(Saa, Pass,Iaas, etc) and other free offerings that have free tiers for the developers.
Link to the repository
That's all friends, I hope you learned something new today, and don't forget to connect with me.
💙Follow me on Twitter & GitHub to know more about my self-taught journey!
See you on the next one soon!!